#Stratford-Upon-Avon: Shakespeare lived in Stratford Upon Avon all his life. It is a litlle town near of London. He lived with his family in it in his house ......... But shakespeae worked in London because the globe was here and he represented his places in the Globe. Shakespeare died in Stratford Upon Avon in 1616.
#AnneHathaway:He married in 1582 with Anne Hathaway.They got marry when he was 18 and she was 26, eight years old than him. They had two daughters and one boy, Susanna, Judith and Hamnet. the boy died when he was only eleven years old
#theglobe: The globe was the theatre where Shakespeare represented some of his works. The spectators could enter and see the play, for just one penny, or they could pay more money to sit down. There was a theatre for nearly 2000 people.
#plays: Shakespeare published a lot of plays, ones of the most famous are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, McBeth... With all this plays Shakespear became and he still one of the better writter of the history.
#plague: The plague arrived to England in 1349. People who Shakespeare loved died. He lost three sisters: Joan, Margaret and Anne and he lost two brothers: Richard and Thomas Quiney.
#1595: This year Shakespear published Romeo and Juliet. This play is one of the most popular plays in the world in the modern time and he became very famous in the old time because it was a drama and the people not expected it.
#queenelizabeth: She was the daughter of King Henry and Queen Anne Boleyn. She was Queen of England for 45 years. The time of Elisabeth became famous by writers and musics
#thearmada: The Spanish Armada would attack England. The attack failed because of the bad weather and the tactics of the England ships. After that England became an important sea power.

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