dimarts, 7 de juny del 2016
One of my goals in my life if do the psychiatry carreer. Since when I was little I had a interest in the human mind. I want to doo this carreer because I wanna learn more about our mind and his capacity. Psychiatry is the study of the part inscocient of our minds and his secrets. Our minds are very big and with a lot of secrets, and I wanna discover a part of this secrets and help people for control his mind. I will see the evolution of the pacient and the diferent behavior of the diferents pacients. This carreer pasionate me and I will study a lot for one day I will work in a mental hospital. The people think psichiatrist are like the dillers, the people think they give medicins at the pacients and this is all. I all the works there are good jobbers and wrong jobbers. The people look only the wrong side of psychatry and I want to show that Psychiatry is more than prescribe medicines, is a hardwork for analyze the pacient and discover his mentals problems and his particularity.

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