Felling used Em sento usada
But i'm still missing you pero encara et trobo a faltar
And I can't see the of this i no puc veure el final d'aixo
Just want to feel your kiss Nomes vull sentir els teus petons
Against my lips contra els meus llavis
And now all this time is passing by I ara passa tot aquest temps
But I still can't seem to tell you why Pero encara sembla que no puc dir-te perque
It hurts me every time I see you Em fa mal cada vegaga que et veig
Realize how much I need you Em dono compte de quan et necessito
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
I miss you when I can't sleep Et trobo a faltar quan no puc dormir
Or right after coffee O despres del café
Or right when I can't eat O quan no puc menjar
I miss you in my from seat Et trobo a faltar mirant-me
Still got sand in my sweaters Encara tinc sorra en els meu jerseis
From nights we don't remember De nits que no recordem
Do you me like I miss you? Em trobes a faltar como jo a tu?
Fu**ed around and got attached to you L'he fastidiada i me enganxat a tu
Friends can break your heart too Els amics tambe poden trencar el teu cor
And i'm always tired but never of you Sempre estic cansat pero mai de tu
If I pulled a you on you Si posaria algu com tu davant teu
You wouldn't like that s*hit No t'agradaria aquesta me**a
I put this reel out Poso el rodet a terme
But you wouldn't bite that s*hit Pero tu no vols mossegar aquesta me**a
I type a text but then I nevermind that s*hit Escric un text, despres no m'importa aquesta me**a
I got these feelings Tinc aquests sentiments
But you never mind that s*hit Pero a tu mai t'ha importat aquesta me**a
Oh, keep it in the low Mantenint el cap baix
You're still in love with me Encara segueixes enamorada de mi
But your friends dont't know Pero els teus amics no ho saben
If you wanted me you would just say so Si em voldrias nomes haurias de dir-ho
And if I were you, I would never let me go I si seria tu mai em deixaria anar
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
I don't mean no harm No vull fer cap mal
I just miss you on my arm Nomes et trobo a faltar en els meu braços
Wedding bells were just alarms Las campanes de boda nomes eran alarmes
Caution tape around my heart Una cinta de precaucio al voltant del meu cor
You never wonder what we could have been? Alguna vegada t'has preguntat que podriem haver sigut?
You said you wouldn't and you fu**ing did Vas dir que no ho farias i ho vas fer
Lie to me, lie with me, get your fu**ing fix Em menteixes, t'acostes amb mi i aconsegueixes currarte
Now all my drinks and all my felings Ara, totas les meves begudes i tots els meu sentiments
Are all fu**ing mixed Estan fotudament barrejats
Always missing people that I shoudn't be missing Sempre trobant a faltar a gent que no s'hauria
Sometimes you got to burn some bridges A vegades s'han de cremar alguns ponts
Just to create some distance Nomes per crear una mica de distancia
I know that I control my thoughts Se que controlo els meus pensaments
And I should stop reminiscing I hauria de deixar de recordar
But I learned from ,y dad Pero he apres del meu pare
That it's good to have feelings Que es bo tenir sentiments
When love and trust are gone Quan l'amor i la veritat han desaparegut
I guess this is moving on Suposo que es bo seguir endevant
Everyone I do right does me wrong Tot aquell a qui faig algo bo em fa mal
Everyone I do right does me wrong Tot aquell a qui faig algo bo em fa mal
So every loney night Aixis que cada nit de soletat
I sing this song Canto aquesta canço
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
All alone I watch you watch her A soles et veig mirarla
Like she's the only girl you've ever seen Com si ella fos l'unica que hagis vist
You don't care, you never did No et preocupa ,ai t'ha preocupat
You don't give a damn about me Ja no t'importo
Yeah, all alone I watch you watch her Si, a soles et veig mirar-la
She's the only thing you've ever seen Ella es l'unica noia que no has vist mai
How is it you never notice Com es que mai t'has donat compte
That you are slowly killing me? De que m'estas matant lentament
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
This song is about a rupture. The girl think that he love another girl and that he forget her. But the boy still in love of the girl. Both are in love from each other. The boy know that the girl loves him but the girl no. And in this song we can hear the two versions and feelings of the boy and the girl from each other. This is a romantic love but it finish in a hard rupture and both are sad and they are still in love.
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