dimarts, 7 de juny del 2016
My best day
When I was litlle, all the summers I went to Ibiza with my grandparents. All the days I went to the beach with my grandmother and after at 3 o'clock I went with my grandfather in his boat. All the days we did the same, a litlle of fishing and after we went swimming in a beautiful place. But one day with my cousin, my grandfather and I, went to swmmig but I saw in the skyline two dauphins, I cried my Grandfather and we went to the place. There was nothing, the dauphins was disapear. I was very very sad. My cousin looked in the water and he saw a strange form under the water and he cried my Grandfather. My grandfather went to saw what my cousin cried. The face of my grandfather changed, he was amazed. I asked what happened, and my grandfather cried me. I ran to looked what happened and I didn't believe what I saw. There was a whale under the boat!! It was enormeous, I wanna went to swimmig with her but my grandfather forbade me to went into the sea. The whale disapeared and we returned to the beach with my grandmother, I explained the history everyone all the summer. It was one of the best moments in my life.

One of my goals in my life if do the psychiatry carreer. Since when I was little I had a interest in the human mind. I want to doo this carreer because I wanna learn more about our mind and his capacity. Psychiatry is the study of the part inscocient of our minds and his secrets. Our minds are very big and with a lot of secrets, and I wanna discover a part of this secrets and help people for control his mind. I will see the evolution of the pacient and the diferent behavior of the diferents pacients. This carreer pasionate me and I will study a lot for one day I will work in a mental hospital. The people think psichiatrist are like the dillers, the people think they give medicins at the pacients and this is all. I all the works there are good jobbers and wrong jobbers. The people look only the wrong side of psychatry and I want to show that Psychiatry is more than prescribe medicines, is a hardwork for analyze the pacient and discover his mentals problems and his particularity.

Darkness represent one of the most important part of my life. Darkness help me for take the better decisions, remember the best moments in my life and for see the diferences between whith the wrong things and good things. Every day I closed the window and the door of my bedroom, I put music and I began to think in my life, my future, the past and the present. This is the moment when I took the decisions and I do refelxions of my life. Darkness also is a part of my life. I lived very dark moments in my life and I go ahead. And I see darknees like a support in my life. A lot of people see darkness like a negative thing but without this moments of darkness the life is a lie. We need to fall for get up, and learn about the life.
Darkness is a very expansive subject and with a lot of interpretation. My interpretation of darkness is without Darkness in my life I can't progrese and go ahead.

Darkness is a very expansive subject and with a lot of interpretation. My interpretation of darkness is without Darkness in my life I can't progrese and go ahead.

Diferences book and film Romeo and Juliet
Question 1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place?
The book take place in the italian Verona in the 16th century and in the film the story take place in a new version of an american Verona. Mantua in the film is the a camping and in the book is a little town.
Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors & images : Fire is a very important element in the story. It represent war, fight, violence and dead. We can see fire in all the violent scenes, like in the fuel station when there are a fight.
Water is the opositte of fire. Water represent quiet, peace, and love. We can see the water in the swimming pool scene, when Romeo meet Juliet and he told he loved her and also we can see water in the death of Tybalt. In this scene the water means peace, because he finally find the peace and his dead make the peace between the two famillys.
Question 3.. LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
In the book all the characters speak in verse and in the film all the characters speak in verse unless the tv girl. There's no narrator in the book because is a play, and in the film the tv girl is the narrator of the begin and the end of the film.
Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes the characters wear?
Juliet wer an angel costume who represent purity, inocence and love.
Romeo wear a an armor who represent fight, force and the enemy.
Lady Capulet wear Cleopatra costume who represent arrogance, power, and narcissism
Mercutio wear like a travesti and he represent a crazy boy, and funny.
Paris wear an astronaute costume because he is always in the moon.
Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun
The apothecary in the book are a diller in the film. The horsesin the books are cars in the film. The woods in the book are the beach in the film. The prince in the book is a police man in the film. All the old in the book are nrw in the film.
Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version.
In the book there's a fight between Romeo and Paris and in the film no. Juliet woke up when Romeo still alive in the film in the book she woke up when he are already dead. Lady Capulet died in the book and in the film no.
The book take place in the italian Verona in the 16th century and in the film the story take place in a new version of an american Verona. Mantua in the film is the a camping and in the book is a little town.
Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors & images : Fire is a very important element in the story. It represent war, fight, violence and dead. We can see fire in all the violent scenes, like in the fuel station when there are a fight.
Water is the opositte of fire. Water represent quiet, peace, and love. We can see the water in the swimming pool scene, when Romeo meet Juliet and he told he loved her and also we can see water in the death of Tybalt. In this scene the water means peace, because he finally find the peace and his dead make the peace between the two famillys.
Question 3.. LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
In the book all the characters speak in verse and in the film all the characters speak in verse unless the tv girl. There's no narrator in the book because is a play, and in the film the tv girl is the narrator of the begin and the end of the film.
Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes the characters wear?
Juliet wer an angel costume who represent purity, inocence and love.
Romeo wear a an armor who represent fight, force and the enemy.
Lady Capulet wear Cleopatra costume who represent arrogance, power, and narcissism
Mercutio wear like a travesti and he represent a crazy boy, and funny.
Paris wear an astronaute costume because he is always in the moon.
Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun
The apothecary in the book are a diller in the film. The horsesin the books are cars in the film. The woods in the book are the beach in the film. The prince in the book is a police man in the film. All the old in the book are nrw in the film.
Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version.
In the book there's a fight between Romeo and Paris and in the film no. Juliet woke up when Romeo still alive in the film in the book she woke up when he are already dead. Lady Capulet died in the book and in the film no.
#Shakespeare400: This year is the 400 death birthday of shakespeare. Shakespeare was born on April of 1564. He was a famous playwright, he wrote famous places like Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth... He lived in Stratford (UK). He is also a great poet and actor. He lived 52 years. He has 7 bothers and sisters. He maried with Anne Hathaway and they have 2 daugters and 1 son. Shakespeare don't
#Stratford-Upon-Avon: Shakespeare lived in Stratford Upon Avon all his life. It is a litlle town near of London. He lived with his family in it in his house ......... But shakespeae worked in London because the globe was here and he represented his places in the Globe. Shakespeare died in Stratford Upon Avon in 1616.
#AnneHathaway:He married in 1582 with Anne Hathaway.They got marry when he was 18 and she was 26, eight years old than him. They had two daughters and one boy, Susanna, Judith and Hamnet. the boy died when he was only eleven years old
#theglobe: The globe was the theatre where Shakespeare represented some of his works. The spectators could enter and see the play, for just one penny, or they could pay more money to sit down. There was a theatre for nearly 2000 people.
#plays: Shakespeare published a lot of plays, ones of the most famous are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, McBeth... With all this plays Shakespear became and he still one of the better writter of the history.
#plague: The plague arrived to England in 1349. People who Shakespeare loved died. He lost three sisters: Joan, Margaret and Anne and he lost two brothers: Richard and Thomas Quiney.
#1595: This year Shakespear published Romeo and Juliet. This play is one of the most popular plays in the world in the modern time and he became very famous in the old time because it was a drama and the people not expected it.
#queenelizabeth: She was the daughter of King Henry and Queen Anne Boleyn. She was Queen of England for 45 years. The time of Elisabeth became famous by writers and musics
#thearmada: The Spanish Armada would attack England. The attack failed because of the bad weather and the tactics of the England ships. After that England became an important sea power.
Sempre la persona equivocada et dona les millors lliçons de vida.
Estima a tots, confia en pocs, no fagis mal a ningu.
L'infern esta buit i tots els dimonis estan aqui.
#Stratford-Upon-Avon: Shakespeare lived in Stratford Upon Avon all his life. It is a litlle town near of London. He lived with his family in it in his house ......... But shakespeae worked in London because the globe was here and he represented his places in the Globe. Shakespeare died in Stratford Upon Avon in 1616.
#AnneHathaway:He married in 1582 with Anne Hathaway.They got marry when he was 18 and she was 26, eight years old than him. They had two daughters and one boy, Susanna, Judith and Hamnet. the boy died when he was only eleven years old
#theglobe: The globe was the theatre where Shakespeare represented some of his works. The spectators could enter and see the play, for just one penny, or they could pay more money to sit down. There was a theatre for nearly 2000 people.
#plays: Shakespeare published a lot of plays, ones of the most famous are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, McBeth... With all this plays Shakespear became and he still one of the better writter of the history.
#plague: The plague arrived to England in 1349. People who Shakespeare loved died. He lost three sisters: Joan, Margaret and Anne and he lost two brothers: Richard and Thomas Quiney.
#1595: This year Shakespear published Romeo and Juliet. This play is one of the most popular plays in the world in the modern time and he became very famous in the old time because it was a drama and the people not expected it.
#queenelizabeth: She was the daughter of King Henry and Queen Anne Boleyn. She was Queen of England for 45 years. The time of Elisabeth became famous by writers and musics
#thearmada: The Spanish Armada would attack England. The attack failed because of the bad weather and the tactics of the England ships. After that England became an important sea power.

I hate u, I love u-Gnash ft Olivia O'brien
Felling used Em sento usada
But i'm still missing you pero encara et trobo a faltar
And I can't see the of this i no puc veure el final d'aixo
Just want to feel your kiss Nomes vull sentir els teus petons
Against my lips contra els meus llavis
And now all this time is passing by I ara passa tot aquest temps
But I still can't seem to tell you why Pero encara sembla que no puc dir-te perque
It hurts me every time I see you Em fa mal cada vegaga que et veig
Realize how much I need you Em dono compte de quan et necessito
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
I miss you when I can't sleep Et trobo a faltar quan no puc dormir
Or right after coffee O despres del café
Or right when I can't eat O quan no puc menjar
I miss you in my from seat Et trobo a faltar mirant-me
Still got sand in my sweaters Encara tinc sorra en els meu jerseis
From nights we don't remember De nits que no recordem
Do you me like I miss you? Em trobes a faltar como jo a tu?
Fu**ed around and got attached to you L'he fastidiada i me enganxat a tu
Friends can break your heart too Els amics tambe poden trencar el teu cor
And i'm always tired but never of you Sempre estic cansat pero mai de tu
If I pulled a you on you Si posaria algu com tu davant teu
You wouldn't like that s*hit No t'agradaria aquesta me**a
I put this reel out Poso el rodet a terme
But you wouldn't bite that s*hit Pero tu no vols mossegar aquesta me**a
I type a text but then I nevermind that s*hit Escric un text, despres no m'importa aquesta me**a
I got these feelings Tinc aquests sentiments
But you never mind that s*hit Pero a tu mai t'ha importat aquesta me**a
Oh, keep it in the low Mantenint el cap baix
You're still in love with me Encara segueixes enamorada de mi
But your friends dont't know Pero els teus amics no ho saben
If you wanted me you would just say so Si em voldrias nomes haurias de dir-ho
And if I were you, I would never let me go I si seria tu mai em deixaria anar
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
I don't mean no harm No vull fer cap mal
I just miss you on my arm Nomes et trobo a faltar en els meu braços
Wedding bells were just alarms Las campanes de boda nomes eran alarmes
Caution tape around my heart Una cinta de precaucio al voltant del meu cor
You never wonder what we could have been? Alguna vegada t'has preguntat que podriem haver sigut?
You said you wouldn't and you fu**ing did Vas dir que no ho farias i ho vas fer
Lie to me, lie with me, get your fu**ing fix Em menteixes, t'acostes amb mi i aconsegueixes currarte
Now all my drinks and all my felings Ara, totas les meves begudes i tots els meu sentiments
Are all fu**ing mixed Estan fotudament barrejats
Always missing people that I shoudn't be missing Sempre trobant a faltar a gent que no s'hauria
Sometimes you got to burn some bridges A vegades s'han de cremar alguns ponts
Just to create some distance Nomes per crear una mica de distancia
I know that I control my thoughts Se que controlo els meus pensaments
And I should stop reminiscing I hauria de deixar de recordar
But I learned from ,y dad Pero he apres del meu pare
That it's good to have feelings Que es bo tenir sentiments
When love and trust are gone Quan l'amor i la veritat han desaparegut
I guess this is moving on Suposo que es bo seguir endevant
Everyone I do right does me wrong Tot aquell a qui faig algo bo em fa mal
Everyone I do right does me wrong Tot aquell a qui faig algo bo em fa mal
So every loney night Aixis que cada nit de soletat
I sing this song Canto aquesta canço
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
All alone I watch you watch her A soles et veig mirarla
Like she's the only girl you've ever seen Com si ella fos l'unica que hagis vist
You don't care, you never did No et preocupa ,ai t'ha preocupat
You don't give a damn about me Ja no t'importo
Yeah, all alone I watch you watch her Si, a soles et veig mirar-la
She's the only thing you've ever seen Ella es l'unica noia que no has vist mai
How is it you never notice Com es que mai t'has donat compte
That you are slowly killing me? De que m'estas matant lentament
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I love you Odio estimar-te
Don't want to No vull
But I can't put nobody else above you pero no puc posar a un altre davant teu
I hate you T'odio
I love you Testimo
I hate that I want you Odio estimar-te
You want her, you need her La vols, la necessites
And I'll never be her I mai seré ella
This song is about a rupture. The girl think that he love another girl and that he forget her. But the boy still in love of the girl. Both are in love from each other. The boy know that the girl loves him but the girl no. And in this song we can hear the two versions and feelings of the boy and the girl from each other. This is a romantic love but it finish in a hard rupture and both are sad and they are still in love.
I don't like romantic movies, but The age of adaline is one of the few romatinc movies I have seen. I liked this movie.
The movie is about a women Adaline, when she was young she has a car accident in winter and she died, but a lightning took her and with the temperature and the electricity she revive. But she acquired a special "power", she was immortal. She has a long life, and her daugther was very old. She as a very distance relation with his daughter because the daughter are very old and Adaline was very young fisicaly. Adaline met a men and she began a relationship with him. When Adaline went to met the family of his boyfriend, the father recognised her. She was his first love when he was young but Adaline abandoned him because he can't know his secret, the immortality. Adaline was shocked, and they talk about it. He stay in love of her. She leave the house of his boyfriend family alone. In the road she has an accident, the weather was very cold and the doctors use the defibrillator for save her. The temperature and the electricity of the defibrilator reverse his power of immortality and she began a new life with his boyfriend.
The movie is about a women Adaline, when she was young she has a car accident in winter and she died, but a lightning took her and with the temperature and the electricity she revive. But she acquired a special "power", she was immortal. She has a long life, and her daugther was very old. She as a very distance relation with his daughter because the daughter are very old and Adaline was very young fisicaly. Adaline met a men and she began a relationship with him. When Adaline went to met the family of his boyfriend, the father recognised her. She was his first love when he was young but Adaline abandoned him because he can't know his secret, the immortality. Adaline was shocked, and they talk about it. He stay in love of her. She leave the house of his boyfriend family alone. In the road she has an accident, the weather was very cold and the doctors use the defibrillator for save her. The temperature and the electricity of the defibrilator reverse his power of immortality and she began a new life with his boyfriend.

Italy 2016
It was the second time I was in Italy. I passed amazing moments with my friends in Italy, this year and a year ago. This year we took the bus to the airport the 29 of Marth at 5:15am. When I opened my bag in the bus I saw that a juice was open in my bag. All my food and my bag was wet and sticky. The travel began very well. When we arrived to Pisa we went to visit the Pisa tour adn after Lucca.
The second day we went to Florence, my favourite town in Italy. I love this town it was so beautiful. We have a very good day in Florence, at the morning we went to visit the Duomo of Florence, we wait 3 hours for enter and after we climbed 475 stairs.
The third day we went to Siena and after we took the bus to Roma. I slept in the bus because I was exhausted and whe I woked up I saw all my friends with his mobils taking photos of me and laughing. I asked why they took photos and they told me I was sleeping with the open eyes. The travel to Roma was very long, 3:30h. At the afternoon we arrived to Roma. The hotel was very big and with so many stairs. The first night in the hotel I don't slept in my room because my roommate was sleeping with the tv on and he didn't heard me. I took a mattress and I slept in an other room with friends.
The next day in Roma was very boring because we went to the Vatican and we spend 3 hours in the Vatican with the guide speaking. After that we went to the center of Roma for freetime. I went to Footlocker with my friend Aina but when we wanted return to the meeting point we did not remember how to return and it was the time. We ran in Roma searching the square, we asked a people, like in pekin express, and finally we find the square. The last day we went to the colesseum in Roma and after we return to the center for freetime. Everybody were sad because it was the last day in Italy.
We took to bus to Civitavecchia and we wait the ferri. The ferri arrived with 2 hours of delay. In the ferri we meet a lot of people and we laught a lot. The next day at the afternoon we arrived to Barcelona and took a bus to Castello. We arrived here at 12.30 am. We were very tired. The next day I didnt go to school.
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